Struggling with Emotional Overeating or Binge Eating Disorder?

This comprehensive specialist 6 month Eating Freely™ treatment may be the answer you’ve been looking for

If you’re looking for a longer in-depth talking therapy option…

then you have come to the right page for you! No matter how successful the Rapid Emotional Eating Eradicator programme is at delivering results, I understand some people prefer this style of therapy instead.

The Eating Freely 6 month Comprehensive Emotional & Binge Eating Treatment

was developed by Emma Murphy MIACP, Certified Psychotherapist and Emotional Eating & Binge Eating Expert with over 12 years experience.

Book A Consultation

Start by clicking the button below to answer a short questionnaire, and book your free no obligation consultation call with me

6 Weekly Sessions

If we’re a good fit, we will start your treatment with 6 weekly sessions to get the ball rolling with your recovery…

10 Fortnightly Sessions

…your treatment will then transition into bi-weekly sessions to allow for steady consistent progress spanning the latter 4 and a half months

Start your new chapter today!

Transform your life into what could have been…

…because it’s not your fault that you’re struggling and you DON’T have a lack of willpower.

Emotional and Binge Eating is a learned coping mechanism often unconsciously adopted to attempt managing emotional distress, trauma and pain.

The good news? Anything that can be learned can be unlearned, and I’ll teach you how to process your emotions in a healthy way

It is never too late to be who you might have been
— Mary Ann Evans, aka George Elliot


The Mission

This programme is designed to:

  • Breakdown the layers of disordered eating in a clear and concise way so you can objectively understand it

  • Find your why, the root cause of how it all began

  • Support your emotional needs, give you your power back.

  • Allow you to let go of the habitual thinking and behaviours, and substantially reduce bingeing

  • Deconstruct and decipher the external influences that shape our view of food, eating, body image and our self-esteem

  • Support your individual nutritional needs and preferences for optimum well-being

  • To minimise the fear of weight gain and feeling of guilt and shame surrounding your habits, body and lifestyle

  • Provide a solid contingency plan for individualised steady upward progress and compassion practices for yourself


What Makes This Different?

The Eating Freely programme offers:

  • Award winning programme with evidence-based, tried-and-tested practices developed over 12 years of expertise

  • Easy-to-understand learning including light Neuroscience & Psycho-education to learn why it's not you, it's your brain!

  • Nutritional Rehabilitation with a Nutritional Therapist

  • Interactive Online Modules and content from the Eating Freely online platform

  • Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Tools & Resources

  • Root cause treatment (instead of just the symptoms!)

  • Eating rehabilitation to enjoy all foods without the fear of gaining weight

  • An intuitive/attuned eating approach working within the Health At Every Size sphere


This treatment would benefit people who:

Have been struggling with emotional or binge eating for at least 6 months or more without it subsiding

Have spent considerable time, energy and/or money on diets and weight loss schemes

Think obsessively about food and body image, or use food as a coping mechanism for self-soothing emotional pains

Feel stuck in the never-ending binge cycle

Have tried everything and are quickly losing hope

Prefer a more lengthly learning structure with regular check ins and continuous support throughout

How Does It Work Exactly?

There are 4 main pillars on which the Eating Freely method is based:


Commit to this act of true self-care

These services have been created with you in mind, so whether you would prefer private virtual Zoom calls from the comfort of your own home, or face-to-face treatment, we can meet your needs where they’re at right now.

Don’t wait until everything is perfect in your life to start - once you’ve finished treatment, you’ll wish you had started sooner!

Emotional & Binge Eating causes:

✘ Obsessively think about food and their body image

✘ Become fixated with a number on the scale

✘ Severely restrict food and calories

✘ Compulsively count calories and weigh food

✘ Cut out whole food groups

✘ Adopt harsh stressful exercise regimes

✘ Develop anxiety and depression

✘ Feel a deep sense of shame around their body and image

✘ Become addicted to sugar and ‘bad/forbidden’ foods

✘ Avoid or cancel social occasions, reduce their social circle

✘ Develop binging and purging to cope

✘ Constantly try to control cravings with willpower

✘ Shut out loved ones and family members

✘ Lose sense of natural hunger and fullness cues

The Eating Freely program can:

✔ Heal your relationship with food

✔ Transform your confidence and self-esteem

✔ Repair Negative Body Image

✔ Take back your power that rules and regimes took away

✔ Let go of old limiting beliefs keeping you stuck

✔ Reprogram your mind, your thoughts & habits for good

✔ Relieve stress, anxiety and fears

✔ Enjoy moving your body without harsh exercise regimes

✔ Improve your quality of sleep

✔ Stop obsessive thoughts about food

✔ Give you new coping skills and practical tools

✔ Teach you the truth about diet culture

✔ Help you become a better role model for young people

✔ Allow you to enjoy eating your favourite foods without being scared you’ll put on weight

✔ Harness the physical and mental health benefits on a consistent and steady long-term basis

CBT Tools & Exercises

Industry-wide used tried and tested Cognitive Behavioural Therapy tools and exercises have been shown to produce immediate effects in the reduction of emotional and binge eating. Together, we build up a mental toolbox for you to create a sturdy support infrastructure that you can call upon as and when you need

Nutritional Rehabilitation

You will be supported by a registered dietitian for your individual nutritional needs and preferences. I (Suzie) will provide comprehensive support on reinstating your natural eating rhythm, reconnecting you with your interoceptive awareness and responsiveness (your inner hunger and fullness compass!)

Light Psycho-Education

This sounds complicated but don’t be scared! Watch as you reach crucial a-ha moments in your learning through these easy-to-digest lessons on why it’s not your fault, it’s your brain! Together we will breakdown old unwanted limiting beliefs and habits, and work with your subconscious mind to feel calm & collected around food again

Self-Compassion & Mindfulness

A crucial ingredient in recovery, we use complimentary self-care and mindfulness practices to supercharge your self-compassion and self-esteem. This is the secret sauce in rounding off your journey and drastically increases your chances of continued long-term improvement and success

Get started for only £899

Commit to an act of radical self love today, take your future into your hands & finally create the life you’ve been dreaming of - you won’t regret it!

Nice to Meet You

  • Welcome and thank you for visiting. I’m Suzie, a board-certified Hypnotherapist (ACCPH). I specialise in helping people with emotional overeating, binge eating, food addiction, body image and weight anxiety issues.

    • Board-certified Hypnotherapist and Rapid Transformational Therapy® Practitioner, trained with Marisa Peer and graduated in the top percentile of my category


    • Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults

    • Safeguarding Vulnerable Children

    • Mental Health Awareness

    • Equality & Diversity

    • Data Protection & Confidentiality


    • Currently training for my Emotional Eating and Binge Eating Disorder Diploma with Eating Freely™

    • Continued Professional Development and CEU to qualify as Clinical Hypnotherapist


    • Registered with the ACCPH (Accredited Coaches, Counsellors, Psychotherapists and Hypnotherapists Association)

  • I know what it’s like to count the mouthfuls you ate and shame-label yourself as a “failure“ when it was more than an apple… I also know what it’s like to feel utter despair and emptiness at a meal ending despite being painfully full of food, I know what it’s like to ‘wake up’ after a binge and feel both confused and horrified at the same time.

    I know what it’s like to try and seek help from a Dr, only to be handed a packet of antidepressants and told “you just need to get yourself a nice boyfriend” (verbatim).

    I know what it’s like to be labelled; “a big girl, you know… broad and… yeah, just big” (verbatim), I know what it’s like when someone tells you “you’d be just perfect if you were 20 pounds lighter” (verbatim).

    I know what it feels like when food takes up every waking moment of your thoughts in the day and your dreams at night, or to obsessively watch cooking shows to fill the void that food has left behind. I know what it feels like to not eat for so long that no amount of layers will warm the cold you feel, I know what it feels like to log every detail of a meal and cry that you couldn’t run one more mile.

    I know what it feels like to grow up in a fat phobic society that gives you that look and offers ‘solutions’ to your ‘problem’ when you’ve gained, yet lights up, congratulates and asks for tips when you’ve lost…

    The reason I’m telling you this is solely to let you know that I’ve been there, and I know what it’s like to yo-yo through this nightmare without a hope

    But I also know what it’s like to come out the other side and all I can say is that it’s real, it’s achievable and it’s worth it. It’s the best thing I’ve ever done, it’s what I’m most proud of beyond any qualification I’ve ever worked for.

    Yes that part of my life was really hard and painful and slow… but I truly believe that I had to go through all of it to learn how to get out and help others do the same in a much faster more efficient way than I did.

    So if this resonates with you, then I hope you know that you’re not alone and that if therapy isn’t an option for you right now, that I will continue to provide as much free content as I can to help you along the way.

    If you are ready to take that next step, then I can’t wait to meet you! You can book your free consultation call with me by clicking the button above.

    Kind regards,



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