Conquer Emotional Eating & Binge Eating without surgery & weight gain fear

You can have the healthy, balanced, EASY relationship with food & your body you have always wanted, with results in 21 days or less

Feel your best for good without surgery, restriction and the fear of gaining weight. The programmes available at S. Day Therapy can break you free from the damaging habits towards food and your body that are keeping you stuck in the yo-yo loop, so you can finally reach your dream goals and enjoy your results for good.


Ask Yourself The Following Questions…

  1. Am I sick of feeling controlled by food and diet plans?

  2. Am I tired of struggling with my body image?

  3. Do I battle with emotional or binge eating?

  4. Have I spent a lot of my time, energy or money & nothing has worked?

If you answered yes to one or more of these, then you are in the right place!

Now just take a moment…

…to imagine what true freedom from all this would feel like for you. What would you do? Who would you be? How would you feel? Could you finally book that special something you’ve always wanted to do?

Revolutionise your relationship with food…

Change the way you think about it & your body, to feel your best for good

Hi, my name is Suzie

Founder of S. Day Therapy, Binge Eating & Emotional Eating Therapist

I'm going to share with you what new research reveals is the exact reason why you’re still struggling with food and eating, and how you’re going to get your health and happiness back, for good

We are led to believe that dieting for weight loss will solve our problems…

Here is the #1 Secret the Diet Industry doesn’t want you to know…

Repeated Dieting is the number 1 predictor of weight gain… NOT a ‘lack of willpower’ or ‘falling off the wagon’

  • “The relationship between dieting and gaining more weight back is so strong that an Australian National Health and Medical Research Council rated it level ‘A’ evidence, which according to academic Fiona Willer is the scientific equivalent of smoking causing lung cancer!” (Tribole & Resch, 2020)

  • “A team of UCLA researchers reviewed 31 long-term studies on dieting and concluded that dieting is a consistent predictor of weight gain - up to two thirds of people regained MORE weight than they lost.” (Mann et al. 2007)

  • Research on nearly 17,000 kids ages 9 - 14 concluded that “in the long term, dieting to control weight is not only ineffective, it may actually promote weight gain.” (Field et al. 2003)

  • "Teenage dieters had twice the risk of gaining more weight, compared to non-dieting teens, even though both groups weighed roughly the same at the start according to a five year study.” (Neumark-Sztainer et al. 2006)

  • A study on more than 2,000 sets of twins from Finland, ages 16 - 25, showed “dieting itself, independant of genetics, is significantly associated with accelerated weight gain.” A dieting twin who embarked on just one intentional weight loss episode was “nearly two to three times more likely to gain more weight with each dieting episode, the risk of gaining weight increased in a dose-dependant manner.” (Pietilaineet et al. 2011)

This is how the diet industry keeps you stuck in this diet-binge spending cycle

Question: How many times have you promised yourself you’ll be ‘good’ this week? Or that come Monday, that’ll be it… the last time you ever eat sugar. How many times have you thought “well I’ve eaten all of this now, I may as well go wild and allow myself it all whilst I’m here”?

How many times have you felt like you’re having an out-of-body experience, watching yourself binge eating but knowing you can’t stop it? Or waking up after, surrounded by food packaging?

How many times have you felt so ashamed and guilty, that you self soothed with more food?

It is a vicious cycle that many of us have experienced and you can end it for good too!

Studies show 95% of dieters fail - diets don’t work

Because it ignores the elephant in the room…

Follow my instructions

DO NOT think of an elephant… did you succeed? You probably didn’t and guess what…


Why? Because you are human, with a human brain, and our brains are not designed to compute a negative statement/thought/action/belief

Ok… so what does that mean?

Well, it means that you didn’t ‘fail’ on all those diets and exercise regimes. You didn’t ‘fail’ to fit into those clothes, you don’t fail every time you binge eat and you certainly don’t have a lack of willpower.

It means that… the diets failed YOU

When you tell your brain not to think of something, not to eat something, not to be ‘lazy’, that you’re not allowed/can’t have the things that you derive pleasure from, your brain will want them even more because it is hardwired to move you TOWARDS pleasure and AWAY FROM pain.

You not only physically deprive yourself, you mentally deprive yourself. And the more you deprive yourself, the worse you will feel:

You then naturally start to associate weight loss and dieting with VERY BAD feelings, feelings of starvation, shakiness in the body, low energy, low mood, mood swings, feeling deprived, seeing no way out, extreme hunger… aka pain.

  • You were promised that dieting would make your dreams come true... but your brain just thought there was a famine/food shortage and remember these awful feelings

  • It means your brain is a sophisticated computer that carries out many intricate complicated processes to override threats to your survival and keep you alive and feeling good again

  • It means the compulsive eating and bingeing were both biological and physiological successes that saved you from potentially dying of starvation

The diet industry knows about all the latest research, but they purposefully continue to redesign the wheel to make you a repeat customer, only to blame you for it not working

Bi-Products of Diet Culture & Damage to Body Image

“It shouldn’t surprise anyone that in laboratory studies when we expose women to images like this [thin beauty ideal] even for just a few minutes, it increases depression and shame, it reduces self-esteem, it lowers body satisfaction. This is beauty sickness.”

— Dr. Rene Engeln, An Epidemic of Beauty Sickness TEDxUConn (2013)

“Dietary restraints result in people scoring higher in measurements of stress, depression, maladjustment and neuroticism compared to unrestrained eaters.”

— McFarlane, Polivy, McCabe (1999)

“Adult women who diet frequently are 50% more likely to be depressed, and young women who diet frequently are 62% more likely to be depressed than those who do not diet.”

— Kenardy, Brown, Vogt (2001)

— Patton (1997)

So what do I do now?

Remember these?

This is where the magic happens, because:

Emotional Overeating & Binge Eating have an emotional root, a driving force that creates certain beliefs about yourself, causing this behaviour and stopping you from your ideal life

According to the eating disorder charity BEAT, 88% of people who have eating problems have an emotional relationship with food. 85% of people comfort eat because they have a negative body image

Dieting, binge eating and emotional overeating to feel better is like picking the problem apples off the tree, hoping they don’t grow back again, whilst the limiting beliefs about you and your abilities fester inside, driving the thoughts and behaviours that you don’t want anymore.

In other words; in ignoring your feelings, ignoring the root cause behind them, and self-soothing with food or trying to control yourself through dieting, you’re encouraging the negative beliefs about yourself, and forcing the true emotions and feelings back down, instead of understanding and releasing them.

And understanding is power… THIS is what allows you to have true control in your life

Many of our struggles and beliefs stem from our childhood events and the meanings we attached to them when trying to understand what was happening around us as a child.

If thoughts and emotions aren’t processed properly at the time, we then take them into our adulthood in the subconscious mind. The child will almost always blame themselves first, assuming they have done something wrong, that bad things happen because of them, that it’s all their fault.

Maybe something traumatic happened to you

Maybe you had to work really hard for approval

Maybe you were made to feel guilty or shameful

Maybe you felt there was no one to turn to for support

Maybe you were unnecessarily put on a diet as a child

Or maybe you had a wonderful upbringing and you’re not quite sure where it stems from for you…

…there are no right or wrong answers, this is your life story! And in exploring and understanding what meanings you attached to your life events, and how they affect your thinking/behaviour today, we can together figure out how to unlock the future you deserve to have.

Ok, so HOW do I do this?

By harnessing the power of the most incredible tool you have… your mind

You are a Naturally Attuned Intuitive Eater

You weren’t born into the world thinking about calories or second guessing your hunger and fullness cues. You knew exactly when to cry out for food to calm your hunger, and equally knew when you were full and satisfied. You could go about your day allowing your body to burn up the energy until you were hungry again, keeping your unique body fit and healthy without obsessing about food in between meals or bingeing late at night.

Nor did you suddenly wake up one day as a teenager or adult and decide to start restricting, bingeing and emotionally eating for no reason. These are learned responses that took a long time to embed themselves into your psyche. So the good news?

Anything that can be learned can be unlearned!

It’s hard to overcome emotional & binge eating with logical thinking alone…

Remember how you definitely don’t have a lack of willpower? Because when it comes to emotional eating issues, 100% of all the willpower in the world will only get you 10% of the way

Your mind is a bit like an iceberg, or a computer! The subconscious mind is like the autopilot programme that’s responsible for the way you think and act. Much like a computer, our software can get outdated and we need to install an upgrade to fix any bugs that stop us living the way we want to… and we need to change this for you NOW. The longer you leave it the more it will compound over time and if not now, when?

That’s where I come in!

I am a fully accredited and board-certified Hypnotherapist, Rapid Transformational Therapy® Practitioner and Eating Freely™ Therapist, with a lot of both personal and professional experience under my belt.

I know exactly how you feel because I was there too and you are not alone in this.

I can find out where those old stale limiting beliefs were created and how to re-wire and re-programme your super computer in a safe, tried-and-tested way that will unlock the future you desire. We all need a helping hand, so watch the video below and click the ‘Learn More’ buttons if you’re ready to finally let go of what’s holding you back, and revolutionise your relationship with food and body once and for all!

My Programmes

Frequently Asked Questions

    • You might do… you might not! We naturally come in different shapes and sizes, and whilst weight loss has been a bi-product for many of my clients, the exact same results will not be replicated for every different body.

    • Instead, my work more importantly focuses on transforming your relationship with food and your body in a kind compassionate way, so you can enjoy permanent results in your overall health, happiness, well-being and experience of life.

    • If you are looking for a quick fix that will guarantee short-term weight loss but long-term health consequences, this programme is not what you’re looking for. Studies continuously prove the fastest most effective way to gain weight is by dieting or pursuing intentional weight loss through restriction and calorie deprivation… it’s a backwards product

    • This programme is designed for anyone who has tried everything, who is sick and tired of dieting, who feels stuck with food and eating, and who are battling their body image. I work with binge eaters, compulsive eaters, emotional eaters, and over eaters. It’s for those who have unwanted food habits, low energy, mood issues and others. It’s for people who want to regenerate their metabolism and kickstart a new relationship with food, their mind and and their unique body.

    • This for you if you KNOW there’s more to life than what you’re currently experiencing, for those who don’t want to stay stuck in the never-ending loop of bingeing and starving, of disappointment, shame, guilt and frustration around food and their body. Who don’t want to rely on hope and willpower any more, who need just a little extra help unlocking their potential easily, WITHOUT ever having to restrict another calorie or carb again.

    I do not work with people who want to be a size zero. Intentional weight/fat loss for those who do not need to lose weight can be extremely harmful and runs the risk of encouraging disordered eating, full eating disorders, and extensive permanent health issues and diseases.

  • Yes! I work with a complete tried and tested industry approved framework that is almost guaranteed to affect change as long as the client is fully involved in their recovery. Click the button below to learn more.

    • Yes. Whilst no experience is the exact same, this system has been proven time and time again to work for those who let it in.

    • You were not born with the issue you are currently struggling with, you learnt it through your life experiences - this is great news!

    This means that we can unlearn old habits of thought and action, before replacing them with new ones that serve you better.

    This form of therapy is powerful and extremely efficient at getting to the root cause of the problem, before we implement the changes you desire.

    Sessions are also extraordinarily adept at speeding up the healing process and cementing in changes to avoid the client having to revisit therapy for months if not years on end.

    • I offer in-person sessions in my therapy room in Dorset (address given after your booking is confirmed), as well as sessions online for those further afield

    • Although I have successfully helped people across a variety of issues including phobias, anxiety and addiction, my expertise and passion lie in supporting those needing help with food/eating/body concerns.

    • If you are particularly interested in working with me, I’m happy to hold a consultation call to see if we are a good fit and answer any questions you have.

    If I am not able to help you in your particular case, I will refer you to a specialist who can fully support you.

“Make peace with food and your body first, everything else will fall into place”